Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Luke was a recipient of the Duke TIP Grand Recognition award in 2007. As a result of receiving the award, he was able to take a summer course in robotics at Texas A&M University where he developed his interest in computer science. He pursued this interest in high school through competitive programming and computer security challenges placing in the top ten at the University of Central Florida’s High School Programming Tournament and in the top ten percent at the Carnegie Mellon picoCTF international computer security competition. He was accepted to the University of Central Florida Burnett Honors College in 2015 and was subsequently awarded the Provost Scholarship. He is currently researching the application of formal methods to computer security. |
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We present a software tool for translating a protocol specification written in the Proverif cryptographic protocol specification language into Java Modeling Language specification statements that the final Java program is verified against. Compared to existing solutions that generate the completed program from the protocol specification, our tool allows more flexibility in the exact implementation details of the program.
Investigators: Luke Myers, Gary Leavens